Adopt-a-Block/Channel cleanups volunteer information

City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division

Adopt-A-Block (AAB) and Channel Cleanups are simple steps residents can take to help improve the quality of streams and be Everyday Clean Water Heroes. These programs are a “hands-on” way for residents and local businesses to make a commitment to improve the quality of Oahu’s communities. Many property owners upstream may not realize that what they do on their land impacts other residents and water quality downstream. Adopters are responsible for a designated stretch of stream or street under the City’s jurisdiction.

1. Get a group of individuals that are 12 years or older to commit to participating in ongoing clean ups.

2. Use the map below to find approved City maintained streams and streets to select a work area.

Note: any City maintained streets free of potential hazards (high traffic, no shoulder, etc.) can be adopted. If interested in an AAB not listed on the map, please submit an inquiry for review..

3. Send us an email with your information and we’ll work with you to prepare a two year agreement for adoptions your review or work with you to confirm channel clean up details.

For more information: Download a Program Brochure
or view details of an Adopt-A-Block agreement  on our forms page.

City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division

About the organizer

The quality of the water that enters the City’s drainage system directly impacts the health of our island because these waters flow untreated to our natural waterways and ocean.Storm Water Quality Division’s (SWQ) mission is to empower and provide guidance on minimizing our impact on water quality in order to protect public health and the environment. SWQ works with City departments as well as public businesses, agencies, and individuals to foster shared responsibility for protection of our wai (water).

  • Ongoing

    • Ongoing Commitment
    • Flexible Schedule
    • Multiple Locations
    Good For

    Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Visitors, Exercise, Meeting People

    Activity Type

    Outdoor, Cleanup, Physical Labor, Fellowship


    Environmental Conservation, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support


    Min age 12+

    Min age 10+ with chaperone

    Minimum Age, Complete Full Shift

    Adopt-a-Block/Channel cleanups volunteer information

    City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division

    Adopt-A-Block (AAB) and Channel Cleanups are simple steps residents can take to help improve the quality of streams and be Everyday Clean Water Heroes. These programs are a “hands-on” way for residents and local businesses to make a commitment to improve the quality of Oahu’s communities. Many property owners upstream may not realize that what they do on their land impacts other residents and water quality downstream. Adopters are responsible for a designated stretch of stream or street under the City’s jurisdiction.

    1. Get a group of individuals that are 12 years or older to commit to participating in ongoing clean ups.

    2. Use the map below to find approved City maintained streams and streets to select a work area.

    Note: any City maintained streets free of potential hazards (high traffic, no shoulder, etc.) can be adopted. If interested in an AAB not listed on the map, please submit an inquiry for review..

    3. Send us an email with your information and we’ll work with you to prepare a two year agreement for adoptions your review or work with you to confirm channel clean up details.

    For more information: Download a Program Brochure
    or view details of an Adopt-A-Block agreement  on our forms page.

    • Ongoing

      • Ongoing Commitment
      • Flexible Schedule
      • Multiple Locations
      Good For

      Kids, Teens, Families, Kupuna, Students, Groups, Visitors, Exercise, Meeting People

      Activity Type

      Outdoor, Cleanup, Physical Labor, Fellowship


      Environmental Conservation, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support


      Min age 12+

      Min age 10+ with chaperone

      Minimum Age, Complete Full Shift

      City and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality Division

      About the organizer

      The quality of the water that enters the City’s drainage system directly impacts the health of our island because these waters flow untreated to our natural waterways and ocean.Storm Water Quality Division’s (SWQ) mission is to empower and provide guidance on minimizing our impact on water quality in order to protect public health and the environment. SWQ works with City departments as well as public businesses, agencies, and individuals to foster shared responsibility for protection of our wai (water).

      Sign Up