“State of Volunteerism in Hawaiʻi 2022

2022 provided a look post-pandemic as organizations not directly related to COVID response began to rebuild their volunteer programs. 

“State of Volunteerism in Hawaiʻi 2020”

2020 was a year of challenge and response around the global pandemic. This report focuses on volunteer engagement across Hawai’i including our collective pivot to address community needs during crisis. 

“State of Volunteerism on Oahu 2020”

We conducted a survey of 189 Oahu based nonprofits during November of 2020. This report documents the results.

“State of Volunteerism in Hawaiʻi 2019”

Learn about the importance of volunteerism, the “3 Rs of volunteerism,” statewide impacts of Volunteer Week Hawaii 2019, and more.

*Updated Oct 28, 2019