This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is only visible for historical reference.

Help Save History!

Alexander and Baldwin Sugar Museum

HELP SAVE HISTORY! The non-profit Sugar Museum on Maui seeks a history friendly volunteer to assist with data entry of information into a Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel. Successful applicant will have a long attention span, good keyboarding skills, and an understanding of Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. The ability to read old-timey cursive handwriting is a plus. Learn about Maui’s history while you help preserve it! (Must be physically on the island of Maui to participate in this opportunity).

The ideal candidate must have an email address, should have the ability to avoid errors while typing, and have patience, as data entry is not always the most exciting thing one can do with their free time.

How it works:

You will work at the Sugar Museum office on Maui. We will provide you with thorough instructions, a batch of cards, and a laptop computer for you to use while you are at the museum. You may also choose to bring your own laptop. No data will be stored in your personal computer. You will work from a link to Google Sheets accessed via your email address.

Tune out to your favorite audiobook or podcast, and get down to the business of preserving history! Do know that while it is not glamorous, what you are doing is critical to safeguarding Maui’s history.

Alexander and Baldwin Sugar Museum

About the organizer

Since 1987, dedicated to preserving and presenting the history and heritage of the sugar industry and the multiethnic plantation life it engendered.

  • Ongoing
  • Weekdays except Friday, 10-12 or 12-2

  • Ongoing Commitment
  • Choose Your Shift
  • Specific Location
Good For

Accessible, Teens, Students, Visitors

Activity Type

Indoor, Libraries & Museums & Stores, Admin & Clerical, Educational Activity


Cultural Preservation, Non Profit Support


Min age 18+

Minimum Age, Interview or Screening Process

Help Save History!

Alexander and Baldwin Sugar Museum

HELP SAVE HISTORY! The non-profit Sugar Museum on Maui seeks a history friendly volunteer to assist with data entry of information into a Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel. Successful applicant will have a long attention span, good keyboarding skills, and an understanding of Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. The ability to read old-timey cursive handwriting is a plus. Learn about Maui’s history while you help preserve it! (Must be physically on the island of Maui to participate in this opportunity).

The ideal candidate must have an email address, should have the ability to avoid errors while typing, and have patience, as data entry is not always the most exciting thing one can do with their free time.

How it works:

You will work at the Sugar Museum office on Maui. We will provide you with thorough instructions, a batch of cards, and a laptop computer for you to use while you are at the museum. You may also choose to bring your own laptop. No data will be stored in your personal computer. You will work from a link to Google Sheets accessed via your email address.

Tune out to your favorite audiobook or podcast, and get down to the business of preserving history! Do know that while it is not glamorous, what you are doing is critical to safeguarding Maui’s history.

  • Ongoing
  • Weekdays except Friday, 10-12 or 12-2

  • Ongoing Commitment
  • Choose Your Shift
  • Specific Location
Good For

Accessible, Teens, Students, Visitors

Activity Type

Indoor, Libraries & Museums & Stores, Admin & Clerical, Educational Activity


Cultural Preservation, Non Profit Support


Min age 18+

Minimum Age, Interview or Screening Process

Alexander and Baldwin Sugar Museum

About the organizer

Since 1987, dedicated to preserving and presenting the history and heritage of the sugar industry and the multiethnic plantation life it engendered.

Sign Up

This volunteer opportunity has been archived and is not accepting new volunteers.