PAWS – Pono Animal Way Sanctuary
Hui Pono Holoholona

We need Volunteers...
Help find and work on grants.
To help trap cats humanely for our T/N/R-M program.
PAWS needs re-planning
To volunteer at the sanctuaries:
All animals need human bonding, and socialization so that they will have a better chance for adoption.
Also needed are cleaning of animal areas.
Like yard worK? Come and weedwhack.
If you are interested in helping us with any of the above please TEXT 968-8279 or complete the form below. Mahalo
Hui Pono Holoholona
About the organizer
Hui Pono Holoholona is a volunteer group dedicated to educate and promote spay and neutering for felines.
Activity Type
Physical Labor, Skilled Labor, Landscaping
Animals, Non Profit Support
Min age 21+
RSVP Required
PAWS – Pono Animal Way Sanctuary
Hui Pono Holoholona

We need Volunteers...
Help find and work on grants.
To help trap cats humanely for our T/N/R-M program.
PAWS needs re-planning
To volunteer at the sanctuaries:
All animals need human bonding, and socialization so that they will have a better chance for adoption.
Also needed are cleaning of animal areas.
Like yard worK? Come and weedwhack.
If you are interested in helping us with any of the above please TEXT 968-8279 or complete the form below. Mahalo
Activity Type
Physical Labor, Skilled Labor, Landscaping
Animals, Non Profit Support
Min age 21+
RSVP Required
Hui Pono Holoholona
About the organizer
Hui Pono Holoholona is a volunteer group dedicated to educate and promote spay and neutering for felines.