Regional Training Instructor
American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter

The purpose of the regional training lead is to oversee regional training including instructor management and class management for the region.
This includes course offerings to develop and promote the disaster workforce. At least 8-10hrs a week commitment
Safety First! Our need for volunteers is constant and our guidelines reflect the latest CDC safety recommendations and follow the national and local government laws. COVID-19 vaccination is strongly encouraged and is required for in-person volunteer roles.
Works with regional Certified Instructors to offer live classes via Microsoft Teams, Highly skilled in Computers, Excels, Power Point, Microsoft Teams, Very detailed oriented, manages others well, promotes talent, and willing to create and promote a team of Basic and Advanced Instructors, Manages Microsoft Teams events and live training events, Good in teaching others, and public speaking skills preferred. Key Responsibilities, Develop team to manage training across the assigned area of responsibility, Ensure completion of all assigned tasks, Work with other volunteer engagement members to ensure training is scheduled to meet the goals of volunteer career paths.
Oversee qualified instructors are teaching both basic and advanced classes, Ensure instructors are maintaining their qualifications to teach, Assist areas with instructor development, Plan and assist areas with setting up and leading advanced classes, Maintain list of all qualified instructors in region or assigned area of responsibility including Pillowcase, Basic, Advanced and Youth, Ensure EDGE team is managing task to create, update and complete training, Maintain regional training calendar, Assist region in developing training team members, Communicate with program leads to determine regional training needs.
Qualifications: Advanced instructor with the ability to teach the Basic Instructor Specialty Training is preferred however a Basic instructor can be mentored. Attention to detail Good organizational skills Computer savvy-knowledgeable and familiar with Red Cross training databases.
Customer Focus, Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.
Action Oriented, Enjoys working hard; is action oriented and full of energy for the things that she/she sees as challenging.
Manages Diversity, Treats all kinds and classes of people equitably; deals effectively with all races, nationalities, cultures, disabilities, ages and both sexes.
Building Effective Teams, Creates strong morale and spirit in his/her team; shares wins and successes; fosters open dialogue; lets people finish and be responsible for their work; defines success in terms of the whole team; creates a feeling of belonging in the team.
Personal Learning, Picks up on the need to change personal, interpersonal and managerial behavior quickly; watches others for their reactions to his/her performance and adjusts; seeks feedback.
Informing, Provides the information people need to know to do their jobs and to feel good about being a member of the team; sets clear expectations; deals with problems in a timely manner; regularly reviews individual performance and holds timely discussions.
Delegation, Clearly and comfortably delegates tasks and decisions; broadly shares responsibility and accountability; trusts people to perform; lets direct reports finish their own work.
Directing Others, Is good at establishing clear directions; sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload appropriately; lays out work in a well-planned and organized manner; maintains two-way dialogue with others on work and results; brings out the best in people; is a clear communicator.
Composure, Is cool under pressure; does not become defensive or irritated when times are tough; is considered mature; can be counted on to hold things together during stressful times; is a settling influence in a crisis.
Motivating Others, Creates a climate in which people want to do their best; can motivate many kinds of direct reports and team members; pushes tasks and decisions down; empowers others; invites input from each person and shares ownership and visibility; makes individual feel his/her work is important; is someone people like working with and for.
Strategic Agility, Sees ahead clearly; anticipates future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; creates competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans.
Dealing with Ambiguity, Effectively copes with change; can shift gears comfortable; decides and acts without having the total picture; isn’t upset when things are up in the air; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty.
American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter
About the organizer
Mission statement:”The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of disasters by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” Vision Statement:The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that… …all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope; …our communities are ready and prepared for disasters; …everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products; …all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and …in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.Fundamental Principles of the Global Red Cross Network: Humanity The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. Independence The Red Cross is independent. The national societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles. Voluntary Service The Red Cross is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. Unity There can be only one Red Cross society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Universality The Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.
Activity Type
Teaching & Training
Preparedness & Response, Non Profit Support
Min age 25+
RSVP Required, Fully Vaccinated, Background Check, Interview or Screening Process, Speak English
Regional Training Instructor
American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter

The purpose of the regional training lead is to oversee regional training including instructor management and class management for the region.
This includes course offerings to develop and promote the disaster workforce. At least 8-10hrs a week commitment
Safety First! Our need for volunteers is constant and our guidelines reflect the latest CDC safety recommendations and follow the national and local government laws. COVID-19 vaccination is strongly encouraged and is required for in-person volunteer roles.
Works with regional Certified Instructors to offer live classes via Microsoft Teams, Highly skilled in Computers, Excels, Power Point, Microsoft Teams, Very detailed oriented, manages others well, promotes talent, and willing to create and promote a team of Basic and Advanced Instructors, Manages Microsoft Teams events and live training events, Good in teaching others, and public speaking skills preferred. Key Responsibilities, Develop team to manage training across the assigned area of responsibility, Ensure completion of all assigned tasks, Work with other volunteer engagement members to ensure training is scheduled to meet the goals of volunteer career paths.
Oversee qualified instructors are teaching both basic and advanced classes, Ensure instructors are maintaining their qualifications to teach, Assist areas with instructor development, Plan and assist areas with setting up and leading advanced classes, Maintain list of all qualified instructors in region or assigned area of responsibility including Pillowcase, Basic, Advanced and Youth, Ensure EDGE team is managing task to create, update and complete training, Maintain regional training calendar, Assist region in developing training team members, Communicate with program leads to determine regional training needs.
Qualifications: Advanced instructor with the ability to teach the Basic Instructor Specialty Training is preferred however a Basic instructor can be mentored. Attention to detail Good organizational skills Computer savvy-knowledgeable and familiar with Red Cross training databases.
Customer Focus, Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.
Action Oriented, Enjoys working hard; is action oriented and full of energy for the things that she/she sees as challenging.
Manages Diversity, Treats all kinds and classes of people equitably; deals effectively with all races, nationalities, cultures, disabilities, ages and both sexes.
Building Effective Teams, Creates strong morale and spirit in his/her team; shares wins and successes; fosters open dialogue; lets people finish and be responsible for their work; defines success in terms of the whole team; creates a feeling of belonging in the team.
Personal Learning, Picks up on the need to change personal, interpersonal and managerial behavior quickly; watches others for their reactions to his/her performance and adjusts; seeks feedback.
Informing, Provides the information people need to know to do their jobs and to feel good about being a member of the team; sets clear expectations; deals with problems in a timely manner; regularly reviews individual performance and holds timely discussions.
Delegation, Clearly and comfortably delegates tasks and decisions; broadly shares responsibility and accountability; trusts people to perform; lets direct reports finish their own work.
Directing Others, Is good at establishing clear directions; sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload appropriately; lays out work in a well-planned and organized manner; maintains two-way dialogue with others on work and results; brings out the best in people; is a clear communicator.
Composure, Is cool under pressure; does not become defensive or irritated when times are tough; is considered mature; can be counted on to hold things together during stressful times; is a settling influence in a crisis.
Motivating Others, Creates a climate in which people want to do their best; can motivate many kinds of direct reports and team members; pushes tasks and decisions down; empowers others; invites input from each person and shares ownership and visibility; makes individual feel his/her work is important; is someone people like working with and for.
Strategic Agility, Sees ahead clearly; anticipates future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; creates competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans.
Dealing with Ambiguity, Effectively copes with change; can shift gears comfortable; decides and acts without having the total picture; isn’t upset when things are up in the air; can comfortably handle risk and uncertainty.
Activity Type
Teaching & Training
Preparedness & Response, Non Profit Support
Min age 25+
RSVP Required, Fully Vaccinated, Background Check, Interview or Screening Process, Speak English
American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter
About the organizer
Mission statement:”The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of disasters by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” Vision Statement:The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that… …all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope; …our communities are ready and prepared for disasters; …everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products; …all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and …in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.Fundamental Principles of the Global Red Cross Network: Humanity The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. Independence The Red Cross is independent. The national societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles. Voluntary Service The Red Cross is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. Unity There can be only one Red Cross society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Universality The Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.