St. Francis Adult Day Care
St. Francis Healthcare Systems

Lend A Helping Hand And Make A Difference
It is in giving that we receive. As a volunteer for St. Francis Hospice, you will have opportunities to give of yourself and receive so much more in return. Learn about the various volunteer opportunities and to find out more information about how you can get involved, contact Angela Houghton, Manager of Volunteer Programs, at, or call (808) 547-8142. You may also click on this link to fill out a Volunteer Application.
Volunteers fulfill a number of important roles at St. Francis Healthcare System. Whether you simply offer your presence and encouraging words to a patient and their family or prefer to work behind the scenes, there is a place for you at St. Francis. Each program has its own orientation and training requirement.
There are many ways you can make a difference in the life of another. We are sure that no matter which area you choose, you will enjoy being a part of St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii’s family of volunteers. Volunteer opportunities are as individual as you are, and we welcome volunteers from all walks of life. Every contribution by a volunteer supports our mission to create healthy communities in the Spirit of Christ’s healing ministry.
St. Francis Healthcare System has multiple adult day care program locations. Our adult day programs offer a comfortable group setting for older adults who need some assistance and companionship during the day, while their family caregivers are at work. Participants come together for a variety of structured activities to enhance their quality of life, health and well-being. These include arts and crafts, exercise and therapeutic activities, music, games, field trips and guest presentations. Volunteers can assist with arts and crafts, playing music and singing, helping with games, exercise classes and field trips, and reading to clients.
Complete a Volunteer Application.
Meet the specific requirements of the assignment to be filled.
Have a current TB Clearance (2 step or Chest X-Ray).
Be available to volunteer at least two hours a week for an extended period of time.
Be at least 16 years of age; younger persons may be considered as appropriate and with written parental permission.
Complete Volunteer Training and Orientation. Click here for the Hospice Volunteer TRAINING SCHEDULE
Successfully pass Reference and Criminal Background Checks.
St. Francis Healthcare Systems
About the organizer
We are a Catholic Healthcare System in Hawaii, sponsored by The Sisters of St. Francis, committed to creating healthy communities in the Spirit of Christ’s Healing Ministry.Between March 30 and April 30th we are offering free meals to kupuna as part of the “Show Aloha Challenge.” Recipients must be:60 years or olderHave an underlying health condition that puts them at risk for further medical complications.Have limited resources such as limited family support to prepare meals or no reliable transportation.Not receiving meal service from other government subsidized programs. The Show Aloha Challenge is a community effort in collaboration with private donors, local restaurants impacted by shutdowns, and St. Francis Healthcare Systems.
Activity Type
Indoor, Help People, Fellowship
Min age 16+
RSVP Required, Minimum Age, Complete Full Shift, Background Check
St. Francis Adult Day Care
St. Francis Healthcare Systems

Lend A Helping Hand And Make A Difference
It is in giving that we receive. As a volunteer for St. Francis Hospice, you will have opportunities to give of yourself and receive so much more in return. Learn about the various volunteer opportunities and to find out more information about how you can get involved, contact Angela Houghton, Manager of Volunteer Programs, at, or call (808) 547-8142. You may also click on this link to fill out a Volunteer Application.
Volunteers fulfill a number of important roles at St. Francis Healthcare System. Whether you simply offer your presence and encouraging words to a patient and their family or prefer to work behind the scenes, there is a place for you at St. Francis. Each program has its own orientation and training requirement.
There are many ways you can make a difference in the life of another. We are sure that no matter which area you choose, you will enjoy being a part of St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii’s family of volunteers. Volunteer opportunities are as individual as you are, and we welcome volunteers from all walks of life. Every contribution by a volunteer supports our mission to create healthy communities in the Spirit of Christ’s healing ministry.
St. Francis Healthcare System has multiple adult day care program locations. Our adult day programs offer a comfortable group setting for older adults who need some assistance and companionship during the day, while their family caregivers are at work. Participants come together for a variety of structured activities to enhance their quality of life, health and well-being. These include arts and crafts, exercise and therapeutic activities, music, games, field trips and guest presentations. Volunteers can assist with arts and crafts, playing music and singing, helping with games, exercise classes and field trips, and reading to clients.
Complete a Volunteer Application.
Meet the specific requirements of the assignment to be filled.
Have a current TB Clearance (2 step or Chest X-Ray).
Be available to volunteer at least two hours a week for an extended period of time.
Be at least 16 years of age; younger persons may be considered as appropriate and with written parental permission.
Complete Volunteer Training and Orientation. Click here for the Hospice Volunteer TRAINING SCHEDULE
Successfully pass Reference and Criminal Background Checks.
Activity Type
Indoor, Help People, Fellowship
Min age 16+
RSVP Required, Minimum Age, Complete Full Shift, Background Check
St. Francis Healthcare Systems
About the organizer
We are a Catholic Healthcare System in Hawaii, sponsored by The Sisters of St. Francis, committed to creating healthy communities in the Spirit of Christ’s Healing Ministry.Between March 30 and April 30th we are offering free meals to kupuna as part of the “Show Aloha Challenge.” Recipients must be:60 years or olderHave an underlying health condition that puts them at risk for further medical complications.Have limited resources such as limited family support to prepare meals or no reliable transportation.Not receiving meal service from other government subsidized programs. The Show Aloha Challenge is a community effort in collaboration with private donors, local restaurants impacted by shutdowns, and St. Francis Healthcare Systems.