Theater Interns (Ages 15 – 20)
Hawaii Children’s Theatre

AGES: 15+
DATES: June 12 – July 23 | Mon. – Fri.
TIMES: 8 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 5 pm
Are you teen, age 15 or older, interested in theater? Do you like working with children? Join in on the fun by volunteering to work with our keiki alongside professional educators in dance, singing, acting, makeup, costumes, tech, and more! Work together on the summer production to help create the magic of theater!
Deadline to apply: April 30th
Interviews on May 5 – 7.
Interns/Apprentices receive:
- Letter of recommendation for future employment or schooling.
- Community service credit hours.
- Recognition dinner & outing.
- An HCT T-shirt.
- Lot’s of keiki smiles and gratitude!
Hawaii Children’s Theatre
About the organizer
HCT plays host to an ensemble of professional artists who bring unique vision and compelling voice to the creation of meaningful theatre for all audiences.
HCT strives to make live theatre a vital part of the childhood experience for all young people on Kauai. Hawai’i Children’s Theatre serves more than 300 young people each year, some through the scholarship subsidy and work study programs. 10,000 children and families attend HCT performances each year.
Good For
Teens, Students, Internship Opportunity, Resume Builder
Activity Type
Indoor, Outdoor, Teaching & Training, Supervise & Coordinate, Arts & Crafts, Educational Activity
Keiki, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support
Min age 15+
Max Age 21
Minimum Age, Maximum Age Limit, Interview or Screening Process, Closed Toed Shoes
Theater Interns (Ages 15 – 20)
Hawaii Children’s Theatre

AGES: 15+
DATES: June 12 – July 23 | Mon. – Fri.
TIMES: 8 am – 12 pm or 1 pm – 5 pm
Are you teen, age 15 or older, interested in theater? Do you like working with children? Join in on the fun by volunteering to work with our keiki alongside professional educators in dance, singing, acting, makeup, costumes, tech, and more! Work together on the summer production to help create the magic of theater!
Deadline to apply: April 30th
Interviews on May 5 – 7.
Interns/Apprentices receive:
- Letter of recommendation for future employment or schooling.
- Community service credit hours.
- Recognition dinner & outing.
- An HCT T-shirt.
- Lot’s of keiki smiles and gratitude!
Good For
Teens, Students, Internship Opportunity, Resume Builder
Activity Type
Indoor, Outdoor, Teaching & Training, Supervise & Coordinate, Arts & Crafts, Educational Activity
Keiki, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support
Min age 15+
Max Age 21
Minimum Age, Maximum Age Limit, Interview or Screening Process, Closed Toed Shoes
Hawaii Children’s Theatre
About the organizer
HCT plays host to an ensemble of professional artists who bring unique vision and compelling voice to the creation of meaningful theatre for all audiences.
HCT strives to make live theatre a vital part of the childhood experience for all young people on Kauai. Hawai’i Children’s Theatre serves more than 300 young people each year, some through the scholarship subsidy and work study programs. 10,000 children and families attend HCT performances each year.