Be The Match Hawaii

What We Do
The Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor Registry – Hawaii’s only bone marrow registry – was established in 1989 at St. Francis Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Registry is part of the St. Francis Healthcare System’s ohana on the Liliha Street campus. Today we call ourselves Be The Match Hawaii. We’re an affiliate of the National Marrow Donor Program, a nonprofit organization that operates the Be The Match® Registry. As one of several donor centers around the world, we’re tapped into a worldwide network of donors.
Who We Are
Our mission is to facilitate bone marrow transplants. Patients needing bone marrow transplants may have no matching donors in their families. So they turn to us, the only bone marrow registry in the State of Hawaii, for help. We recruit and register volunteers as donors for our multi-ethnic population. We love helping patients with leukemia and other blood diseases find unique matching donors who can save their lives! Donor and patients are generally matched through similar ethnic backgrounds. So, due to Hawaii’s diversity, donors from Hawaii can help patients from all over the world. To date, we’ve organized more than 400 bone marrow and stem cell collections for patients in Hawaii and around the world. Donors stay on the Registry from the time they register until age 61. The Hawaii Registry currently manages over 78,000 donors. Be The Match Hawaii holds donor recruitment drives all over the State of Hawaii.
Cause Areas
Keiki, Kupuna, Health & Wellness
Be The Match Hawaii
Volunteer Opportunities
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