Waipa Foundation

What We Do
For over 20 years, Waipā Foundation has stewarded the 1,600 acre ahupua’a of Waipā, under a lease from the landowner, Kamehameha Schools. Located along Hanalei Bay, Waipā is one of the nine ahupua`a in Kauai’s Halele`a district. Waipā is a place where folks can connect with the ‘āina (that which feeds us – the land and resources), and learn about our Hawaiian values and lifestyle through laulima (many hands working together).
Who We Are
Waipā Foundation’s mission is to restore Waipā’s vibrant natural systems and resources and inspire healthy, thriving communities connected to their resources. To practice balanced stewardship of Waipā’s natural resources, maximizing health and productivity, and moving toward sustainability. Waipā is a living learning center that teaches, shares, and inspires Hawaiian values and ahupua`a practices; Builds passion, skills, competency in related areas of knowledge; and takes care of its people & communities.
Cause Areas
Animals, Keiki, Kupuna, Environmental Conservation, Cultural Preservation, Education & Training, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support