Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.
End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter

As a volunteer with End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter, you will join a a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California working to end drug-related overdose deaths through education, medical intervention, and public awareness.
Help us by giving short or long trainings to the public. We give information as well as the tools needed to create active by standers.
As of 2021, Hawai’i averaged 256 overdose related deaths, 69.9% of these deaths had potential opportunity for intervention according to the CDC.
The bulk of our volunteer work is done at music venues across O’ahu, as well as school campuses. We are looking to grow our volunteer staff to broaden our reach throughout Hawai’i State.
End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter
About the organizer
The Problem
- According to data from the CDC, drug-related overdoses are the number one cause of death for people ages 18-45. Synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, causing 2/3rd of those deaths.
- Experimental drug use and addiction puts young people as one of the most at-risk populations for overdoses.
- Fentanyl is lethal in small amounts (2mg) and many times people are unaware their drugs contain fentanyl.
- 40% of overdose deaths could have been prevented if someone present knew how and when to intervene.
- Oftentimes, there is a lack of education on and accessibility to these overdose prevention and response resources.
Our Solution
- Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.
- Interventions include:
- calling 911,
- the use of fentanyl testing strips,
- the ability to recognize the symptoms of an overdose,
- the administration of Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
- Our online training is 100% free and encouraged for everyone to take.
- Make resources that prevent overdose-related deaths accessible to everyone across the country.
- Equip individuals with preventative (fentanyl test strips) and responsive (Narcan/naloxone) overdose tools.
- Directly target outreach to most at-risk populations via in-person education and resource distribution.
- De-stigmatize the conversation surrounding mental health, addiction, and overdoses.
Good For
Students, Groups, Bilingual Speakers, Meeting People, Resume Builder
Activity Type
Indoor, Outdoor, Help People, Advocacy & Outreach, Health & Wellness, Educational Activity, Event Support
Keiki, Kupuna, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Education & Training, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support
Min age 18+
RSVP Required, Sign Digital Waiver, Minimum Age, Interview or Screening Process
Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.
End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter

As a volunteer with End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter, you will join a a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California working to end drug-related overdose deaths through education, medical intervention, and public awareness.
Help us by giving short or long trainings to the public. We give information as well as the tools needed to create active by standers.
As of 2021, Hawai’i averaged 256 overdose related deaths, 69.9% of these deaths had potential opportunity for intervention according to the CDC.
The bulk of our volunteer work is done at music venues across O’ahu, as well as school campuses. We are looking to grow our volunteer staff to broaden our reach throughout Hawai’i State.
Good For
Students, Groups, Bilingual Speakers, Meeting People, Resume Builder
Activity Type
Indoor, Outdoor, Help People, Advocacy & Outreach, Health & Wellness, Educational Activity, Event Support
Keiki, Kupuna, Social Services, Health & Wellness, Education & Training, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Non Profit Support
Min age 18+
RSVP Required, Sign Digital Waiver, Minimum Age, Interview or Screening Process
End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter
About the organizer
The Problem
- According to data from the CDC, drug-related overdoses are the number one cause of death for people ages 18-45. Synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, causing 2/3rd of those deaths.
- Experimental drug use and addiction puts young people as one of the most at-risk populations for overdoses.
- Fentanyl is lethal in small amounts (2mg) and many times people are unaware their drugs contain fentanyl.
- 40% of overdose deaths could have been prevented if someone present knew how and when to intervene.
- Oftentimes, there is a lack of education on and accessibility to these overdose prevention and response resources.
Our Solution
- Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.
- Interventions include:
- calling 911,
- the use of fentanyl testing strips,
- the ability to recognize the symptoms of an overdose,
- the administration of Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
- Our online training is 100% free and encouraged for everyone to take.
- Make resources that prevent overdose-related deaths accessible to everyone across the country.
- Equip individuals with preventative (fentanyl test strips) and responsive (Narcan/naloxone) overdose tools.
- Directly target outreach to most at-risk populations via in-person education and resource distribution.
- De-stigmatize the conversation surrounding mental health, addiction, and overdoses.