End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter

What We Do

The Problem

  • According to data from the CDC, drug-related overdoses are the number one cause of death for people ages 18-45. Synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, causing 2/3rd of those deaths.
  • Experimental drug use and addiction puts young people as one of the most at-risk populations for overdoses.
  • Fentanyl is lethal in small amounts (2mg) and many times people are unaware their drugs contain fentanyl.
  • 40% of overdose deaths could have been prevented if someone present knew how and when to intervene.
  • Oftentimes, there is a lack of education on and accessibility to these overdose prevention and response resources.


Our Solution

  • Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.
  • Interventions include:
    • calling 911,
    • the use of fentanyl testing strips,
    • the ability to recognize the symptoms of an overdose,
    • the administration of Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose.
  • Our online training is 100% free and encouraged for everyone to take.
  • Make resources that prevent overdose-related deaths accessible to everyone across the country.
  • Equip individuals with preventative (fentanyl test strips) and responsive (Narcan/naloxone) overdose tools.
  • Directly target outreach to most at-risk populations via in-person education and resource distribution.
  • De-stigmatize the conversation surrounding mental health, addiction, and overdoses.

Cause Areas

Health & Wellness, Preparedness & Response, Education & Training

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Tax Status
  • Nonprofit


End Overdose: Hawai’i Chapter

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