Mahalo for Partnering With us on The Pledge To Our Keiki

You Will Have Two Pledge Landing Pages

Pledge Page

This is the link you’ll share with visitors and partners. Users land here to learn about, read, and sign the pledge.

Mahalo Page

Once users sign the pledge, they will be directed to your Mahalo page. Here, you can thank them for signing, and encourage them to take action by clicking links to volunteer or donate.

What We Need From You

Required items in bold. You can upload these assets to your shared Kanu Google Drive Folder. If you have questions or need help please email

Pledge Page

  1. Your logo in PNG format. Transparent or white background. 
  2. Additional partner logos if any (if you support another non-profit, etc.). Max 2.
  3. Link(s) for your / your partner logos if people click them (typically your homepage but you may have a social impact landing page, etc.)
  4. Brief statement why your org supports the pledge. Max 40 words. Will appear below pledge video after statement of how students created the pledge. See orange example text on template page.
  5. Up to 5 background photos landscape format (Min width: 1360 px)
Example copy “why you support the pledge”  31 words – for main landing page

United Airlines and their employees – including the 1,000+ employees that call Hawai’i home – proudly support the Pledge and encourage you to read and sign the Pledge to our Keiki today.

Mahalo Page

  1. Images for gallery. Max 10. Show your org/people volunteering, at work, the impact you have on community, etc. These pics should show you leading by example.
  2. Copy to place between “Mahalo for your pledge” at top of Mahalo page and gallery below. Max 40 words. See example orange text on template page.
  3. We show call to action links to volunteer or donate. Most orgs want both. If you only want one or to add an additional call to action (support a specific non profit etc.) let us know
  4. Up to 3 background photos landscape format (Min width: 1360 px)
Example “Mahalo copy” 35 words – for mahalo page (seen after signing pledge)

While you enjoy the beauty of Hawaiʻi please kōkua (help) care for it. Thank you for joining United Airlines, Kanu Hawai’i, Conservation International, and all of those committed to preserving Hawaiʻi for generations to come.