Apply to Join Mālama Hawai‘i Mālama Hawaiʻi application Mahalo for your interest in the program! If you have any difficulties please contact us. Step 1 of 9 – Basics 11% Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Organization name808 CleanupsAaron's Dive ShopAARP HawaiiAccesSurf Hawai'iAdventist Health CastleAiea High SchoolAla Moana RotaryAlexander and Baldwin Sugar MuseumAloha Animal SanctuaryAloha Diaper BankAloha HarvestAloha Pu’u KukuiAloha United WayAlzheimer's Association – HawaiiAmerican Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast CancerAMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATIONAmerican Red Cross Hawaii ChapterAnthology Marketing GroupArc of Maui CountyArthritis FoundationBandwagon Music CenterBe The Match HawaiiBeach Environmental Awareness Campaign HawaiiBest Buddies HawaiiBetter Block HawaiiBig Brothers Big Sisters HawaiiBig Brothers Big Sisters of MauiBig Island DiversBig Island Sailing FoundationBikeshare HawaiiBishop MuseumBlood Bank of HawaiiBlue ʻĀina Cleanup (Trilogy Excursions)Blue Ocean WarriorsBlue Planet FoundationBlue Zones ProjectBlue Zones Project- Kapolei & 'EwaBody Glove CruisesBottles4CollegeBoys & Girls Clubs of HawaiiBoys Scouts Aloha CouncilBreast Cancer HawaiiCastaway Island, Fiji ResortCatholic Charities HawaiiChamber of CommerceChild and Family ServiceCity and County of HonoluluCity and County of Honolulu DFM- Storm water Quality DivisionClean RewardsCommunity Works in 96744 (CWC 96744)County of KauaiDaughters of HawaiiDepartment of Education (DOE)Destination HiloDLNR State ParksDLNR: State Parks: Diamond Head State MonumentDOE/Pulama Lana'iDomestic Violence Action CenterDown the HatchDown to Earth Organic & NaturalDowntown Art CenterDowntown Honolulu RotaryEast Hawai‘i Cultural CenterEast Maui Animal Refuge aka The Boo Boo ZooEco Rotary Club of Kaka'ako & Smart Living HawaiiElderly Affairs Division of the City and County of HonoluluElderly Affairs Division-RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program)End Overdose: Hawai'i ChapterEternal Focus FoundationEternal Focus FoundationEveryday Hero ProjectEwa by Gentry Community AssociationExtended HorizonsFamily Promise of HawaiiFeed My SheepFilCom CenterFood Not Bombs MauiFriends of Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical GardenFriends of Diamond Head ClubhouseFriends of Kamalani & Lydgate ParkFriends of Kauaʻi Wildlife RefugesFriends of Liliʻuokalani GardensFriends of the Children's Justice Center OahuFriends of the Kalalau TrailFriends of the Library of HawaiʻiGirl Scouts of Hawai'iGlobal Preservation InitiativeGoing Home HawaiiGregory House ProgramsGrow Some GoodGunstock RanchHabitat For Humanity – MauiHabitat for Humanity Hawaii IslandHabitat for Humanity Leeward OahuHaha'ione Elementary SchoolHale Kipa Inc.Hale PunaHanalei/ St Williams Food PantryHapa ManaHarbor Church HonoluluHawai'i Afterschool AllianceHawai'i Diaper BankHawai'i Island School Garden Network/ Hawaii Academy of Arts & ScienceHawai'i Land TrustHawai‘i FoodbankHawai’i Keiki MuseumHawaiʻi Bicycling LeagueHawaiʻi Environmental RestorationHawaiʻi Nature CenterHawaiʻi Wildlife FundHawaiʻi Women in FilmmakingHawaii Agriculture Research CenterHawaii Animal Rescue FoundationHawaii Children's Action NetworkHawaii Children's TheatreHawaii Development GroupHawaii Eco DiversHawaii Green GrowthHawaii Health & Harm Reduction CenterHawaii Institute for Human RightsHawaii Island Humane SocietyHawaii Meals on WheelsHawaii SAR CONHawaii Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)Hawaii Wildlife CenterHawaii Youth Services NetworkHawaiian HopeHawaiian Humane SocietyHawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine SanctuaryHawaiian Legacy Reforestation InitiativeHawaiian Paddle SportsHawaiian Reforestation ProgramHealing Horses KauaiHealthy Climate CommunitiesHearts For Animals WellnessHelp is on the WayHelping Hands HawaiiHickam Thrift ShopHilo High SchoolHina MaukaHo`omau Ke OlaHo'opili Tribal CouncilHoʻokuaʻāinaHoʻomalu Ke KaiHolomua Na `OhanaHomeAid HawaiiHonolulu Board of Water SupplyHonolulu Community Action Program, Inc.Honolulu Habitat for HumanityHonolulu Museum of ArtHonolulu Scuba CompanyHope Education CenterHousing Solutions Inc.Hui No‘eau Visual Arts CenterHui O He'e NaluHui o HoʻohonuaHui O Ka Wai OlaHui o Ko'olaupokoHui Pono HoloholonaʻĀina Hoʻōla InitiativeʻO Makuʻu ke Kahua Community CenterʻŌlelo Community Media GroupIHS Institute for Human ServicesIkaika HawaiiImpact Change HawaiiInspire KailuaInstitute for Climate and PeaceInternational Indigenous Librarians ForumInternational Market PlaceIslands HospiceJames Campbell High SchoolJunior Chamber International (JCI) HonoluluKa Pa Hula HawaiiKahuku High and Intermediate SchoolKahumanaKaʻehuKaimuki High School English Learner ProgramKāko'o ʻŌiwiKalaeloa Heritage and Legacy FoundationKalaeloa Heritage ParkKalihi BeerKalihi-Palama Health CenterKamāwaelualaniKaneohe RotaryKanu HawaiiKapCC Service & Sustainability Learning ProgramKaua'i Climate Action CoalitionKauai Animal Education FarmKauai Citizen Forester ProgramKauai Climate Adaptation PlanKauai Habitat for HumanityKauai Humane SocietyKauai Outrigger AssociationKauai Planning and Action AllianceKauaiEV – Kauai Electric Vehicle AssociationKealahou West OahuKeālia Pond National Wildlife RefugeKeiki to Kupuna FoundationKelea FoundationKEY Project (Kualoa-He'eia Ecumenical Youth Project)Kihei Charter SchoolKimeejay, Inc.Kīpahulu ʻOhanaKipuka OlowaluKKCR Kaua'i Community RadioKo'olau Mountains Watershed PartnershipKokonut KoalitionKōkua HarvestKōkua Hawaiʻi FoundationKona Cloud Forest SanctuaryKŪ-A-KANAKAKualoa RanchKunia Country Farms Educational OutreachKupuna Needs projectKupunaWikiLahaina DiversLahaina Restoration FoundationLahaina Sunset RotaryLahainaluna High SchoolLāhui FoundationLānaʻi Culture and Heritage CenterLanai Cat SanctuaryLanakila Meals on WheelsLanakila Multi-Purpose Senior CenterLbE Hawaii LLCLegal Aid SocietyLeilani Farm SanctuaryLetters 2 Our KupunaLivable Hawaii Kai HuiLo'i Kalo Mini ParkLoko Iʻa PāʻaiauLove Blue Maui ChapterLove the SeaLunalilo HomeLyon ArboretumMADD HawaiiMagical Creatures of Hamakua – Animal Rescue and SanctuaryMakakilo Hawaii Stake – JustServeMālaʻaiMalama Hamakua MauiMalama KauaiMālama Learning CenterMalama Loko Ea FoundationMalama ManoaMālama Maui NuiMālama MaunaluaMalama MealsMalama Na ApapaMalama o Na KeikiMarch of Dimes HawaiiMaui Academy of Performing ArtsMAUI AIDS FOUNDATIONMaui Cultural LandsMaui DivingMaui Food BankMaui Forest Bird Recovery ProjectMaui High SchoolMaui High School Interact ClubMaui High School Key ClubMaui Humane SocietyMaui Nui Botanical GardenMaui Nui Marine Resource CouncilMaui PrepMaui Rapid ResponseMaui Sustainable SolutionsMaui Visitors and Convention BureauMauka Lani Elementary SchoolMauna Kea Forest Restoration ProjectMenehune MayhemMental Health KokuaMililani High School – Ka ʻĀina Momona o MililaniMolokaʻi Gorilla Ogo CleanupsMolokaʻi Land TrustNā HoalohaNā Kama KaiNā Mea HawaiʻiNAMI Hawaii StateNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Inouye Regional CenterNational Tropical Botanical GardenNative BooksNative Hawaiian PhilanthropyNew Hope LeewardNorth Hawaii HospiceNorth Shore Community Land TrustNorth Shore StablesNourish KauaiNudi WearOAHU SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALSObama Hawaiian Africana MuseumOcean Alliance ProjectOcean Defenders AllianceOcean View Skatepark AssociationOhia Ridge FarmOʻahu Invasive Species CommitteeOui tour mauiOur KupunaPacific American FoundationPacific Whale FoundationPahoa Lava Zone MuseumPainted Trees of HawaiiPalehua Volunteer HuiPanasonic Avionics CorporationParents and Children TogetherPartners In Care | Oahu's Continuum of CarePartners in Development FoundationPATHPearl Harbor National MemorialPearlridge – RotaryPōhāhā I Ka LaniProject Hawaiʻi, IncProject Nehemiah HawaiiProject Vision HawaiiProtea Zero WasteProtect & Preserve Hawai'iPu'uhonua SocietyRadford High SchoolRead To Me International FoundationRecycle Hawai'iRedline RaftingRegenerative Education CentersReTree HawaiiRiver of Life MissionRonald McDonald House Charities of HawaiiRotary Club of Hickam Pearl HarborRotary Club of HonoluluRotary Club of KahuluiRotary Club of KapoleiRotary Club of Kapolei SunsetRotary Club of Kihei-WaileaRotary Club of Lahaina SunsetRotary Club of WaikikiRotary Club of WailukuRotary International District 5000Roteract E-Club OhanaRoyal Hawaiian CatamaranRYSESacred Earth AssemblySail MauiSakyadhita Hawai'iSamaritan Counseling Center HawaiiSanctuary of Mana Ke`a GardensSea Lancers Diving ClubSeasport DiversSeed of LoveSHARKasticsSierra Club Hawai'i Island GroupSierra Club of Hawaiʻi – Maui GroupSouthwest AirlinesSpecial Olympics HawaiiSt. Francis Healthcare SystemsSteadfast Housing Development CorporationSunshine SchoolSurfrider Foundation – Kauaʻi ChapterSurfrider Foundation – Maui ChapterSurfrider Foundation – Oahu ChapterSurfrider UHSustainable Coastlines HawaiʻiSustʻāinable MolokaiTargetTeran James Young FoundationThe ALS Association Golden West ChapterThe ARTS at Marks GarageThe Caregiver FoundationThe Food BasketThe Friends of Iolani PalaceThe Kohala CenterThe PantryThe Salvation Army Hawaiian & Pacific IslandsThe Salvation Army in KonaThe Salvation Army Kroc CenterThe Sewing HuiThree Ring Ranch Exotic Animal SanctuaryTrees To SeasU.S. Veterans InitiativeULOHAUluhaʻo o Hualalai INCUnderstory AllianceUnited AirlinesUniversity of Hawai'i Hawai'i Institute for Human RightsUniversity of Hawai‘i Office of SustainabilityUniversity of Hawaii Sea Grant Hanauma Bay Education ProgramUpcountry Maui Rotary ClubUpcountry StrongUSFWS Keālia Pond National Wildlife RefugeUSS Battleship Missouri MemorialVA Pacific Islands Healthcare SystemVibrant HawaiiVillage of Hope MauiVillages of Kapolei AssociationWahine ActionWaiakea High SchoolWaianae Coast Comprehensive Health CenterWaianae Coast Rotary ClubWaikiki RotaryWaikīkī AquariumWaikiki Community CenterWaikōloa Dry Forest InitiativeWaikoloa Elementary and Middle SchoolWaimānalo Health CenterWaimea Valley (Oʻahu)Waipa FoundationWaipahu High SchoolWaipahu Intermediate Future Farmers of AmericaWAIPAHU SAFE HAVENWasabi International ToursWe Go MauiWest Hawaii Mediation CenterWest Kauai Rotary ClubWild Side Specialty ToursWindward Sunrise Oahu RotaryWomen in NeedYMCA of Honolulu – Atherton BranchYWCA Kaua'iYWCA o'ahuZero Waste OʻahuMy organization isnʻt listed My organization isnʻt listed What is your organization's name? Staff Needs Do you have staff capacity to lead the activity?(Required) Yes No How often will workdays happen / be offered?(Required)How many visitors can you realistically handle per session or in one day?(Required)What is the timetable or itinerary for the workday?(Required)Are any staff members bilingual to accommodate international travelers?(Required) Yes No Groups Can you accommodate large groups?(Required) Yes No What is the minimum number of attendees required to proceed?(Required)What is your maximum group capacity?(Required)Are there any scheduling restrictions, or is availability provided upon request?(Required)What supplies or resources are needed for the group? (Include suggested honorarium)(Required) Physical LayoutDo you have a plan for restroom needs?(Required) Yes No Are the restrooms regularly serviced and supplied?(Required) Yes No What's the actual location guests will use while on your property?(Required)Have you determined: Where can they go, where can they not go? Are these areas clearly marked? What can they touch? What can they not touch?(Required) Yes No Is this covered in an initial guest briefing?(Required) Yes No Is your location ADA accessible?(Required) Yes No Safety ConcernsIs your insurance up to date and sufficient?(Required) Yes No Have you reviewed and documented your safety protocal from the beginning of the visit to the end?(Required) Yes No Are there safety concerns, such as dips in the walking area, steep hills, uneven pathways, exposed machinery, tools, etc.?(Required) Yes No Is parking clearly identified and safe?(Required) Yes No Do you have capacity for the volunteers’ vehicles?(Required) Yes No Do you have an emergency procedure in case of an incident?(Required) Yes No Will the activity be in remote areas that have limited access?(Required) Yes No Do you have a rescue protocol in place should someone need to be treated or taken out quickly?(Required) Yes No Does your staff have CPR and other first-aid training?(Required) Yes No Do you have a first-aid kit easily accessible during your volunteer engagements?(Required) Yes No If volunteers are doing physical work, have you included sufficient safety equipment along with the work equipment such as gloves or goggles?(Required) Yes No Message & TakeawayAre you prepared to share about your organization and site?(Required)Many organizations miss the opportunity to share their mission, objective, history and unique story. Yes No What is your product offering(s)? How would you describe what it is you offer?(Required)What do you want the guest to "take away" from their experience?(Required)Do you intend to give something to the volunteers?(Required)e.g., collateral Yes No Community RelationsHow are you prepared to be a good neighbor?(Required)How do you communicate with your neighbors?(Required)This is extremely important – be a good neighbor! If your neighbors complain about what’s happening on your site, it could create stumbling blocks in hosting groups. WebsiteIs your website updated with most current information? Do you clearly explain the type of work, length of time, and any tools, equipment, drinks needed during the visit?(Required) Yes No Do you have permission to use the images and other intellectual property on your website?(Required) Yes No Does your website include contact information (phone/email) to make reservations or inquiries?(Required) Yes No Does your website clearly indicate hours of operation / visitation?(Required) Yes No Does your website clearly explain the age levels welcome on site?(Required) Yes No Are directions or transport options provided?(Required) Yes No Are there expectations of payment?(Required) Yes No Is the expected payment clearly communicated?(Required) Yes No IntakeDo you accept reservations?(Required) Yes No How does one make reservations?(Required)How far in advance do reservations need to be made?(Required)Is there a minimum number of guests per session?(Required)Will you join the Mālama Hawaiʻi program and provide our survey QR code to participants?(Required)e.g., a sign-in form or a poster at check-in Yes No If you are targeting international visitors, do you have materials or signage in their native language?(Required)e.g., Japanese visitors Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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