Journey Bags for kids in foster care
Village of Hope Maui

Journey bags are always needed for kids coming into to foster care – many times with nothing. Bags are handed out in the community to be filled with essentials like clothing, slippers, books, toys, games and toiletries. Community members return the bags to Village of Hope and we distribute them to foster families and case workers to get to the keiki.
You can find out more about filling journey bags on our website here:
Our next Journey Bag drive will be at New Hope Maui April 16th and 23rd before and after church service around 9-30 and 1130-12. We will need some volunteers to help hand out backpacks and such at the booth. Contact us if you are interested in helping!
Village of Hope Maui
About the organizer
We partner with foster parents, social workers, and you, to help provide support and resources to the some of the most vulnerable young members of our community. We do this through community engagement and events, Journey Bags filled with essentials for kids in or coming into foster care, and by meeting the needs of foster children and those involved with caring for them.
Journey Bags for kids in foster care
Village of Hope Maui

Journey bags are always needed for kids coming into to foster care – many times with nothing. Bags are handed out in the community to be filled with essentials like clothing, slippers, books, toys, games and toiletries. Community members return the bags to Village of Hope and we distribute them to foster families and case workers to get to the keiki.
You can find out more about filling journey bags on our website here:
Our next Journey Bag drive will be at New Hope Maui April 16th and 23rd before and after church service around 9-30 and 1130-12. We will need some volunteers to help hand out backpacks and such at the booth. Contact us if you are interested in helping!
Village of Hope Maui
About the organizer
We partner with foster parents, social workers, and you, to help provide support and resources to the some of the most vulnerable young members of our community. We do this through community engagement and events, Journey Bags filled with essentials for kids in or coming into foster care, and by meeting the needs of foster children and those involved with caring for them.