Hui o Ko’olaupoko

What We Do

HOK addresses environmental problems by focusing on community-based watershed restoration. HOK implements on-the-ground projects that directly address watershed and water quality issues. Projects including riparian restoration, low-impact retrofits (LIR) and residential rain gardens are vetted and prioritized to produce the greatest positive impact on water quality and ocean health.

Who We Are

Hui o Ko’olaupoko (HOK) is a 501(c)3 non-profit watershed management group established in 2007 to work with communities to improve water quality through ecosystem restoration and storm water management, focusing specifically in the Ko’olaupoko region – from Makapu’u to Kualoa. HOK implements innovative, on-the-ground projects that effectively manage and protect water quality and natural resources in Hawai’i.

Cause Areas

Environmental Conservation, Cultural Preservation, Education & Training, Non Profit Support

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Hui o Ko’olaupoko

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