TitleAgencyCityIslandsDate TypeDateDurationhf:tax:island
‘Ohana Volunteer Day – Sunday, Feb. 9Viewoahu
‘Ohana WorkdaysViewmaui
[Virtual] Volunteer Screening Team MembersAmerican Red Cross Hawaii Chapterongoing4.00Viewoahu
[Virtual] Volunteer Screening Team Members (Archived)Is OngoingViewremote
2025 February Adaptive Swim ClinicViewoahu
2025 February Wounded WarriorViewoahu
2025 Haleʻiwa Metric CenturyViewoahu
AARP Virtual Veterans BrigadeViewremote
AARP Zero Isolation FacilitatorViewremote
AARP Zero Isolation Facilitator Candidate for CertificationViewremote
AARP Zero Isolation Group NavigatorViewremote
AARP Zero Isolation Group Navigator Candidate for CertificationViewremote
AARP Zero Isolation Group Navigator Candidate in TrainingViewremote
Administrative AssistantViewmolokai
Adopt-a-Block/Channel cleanups volunteer informationViewoahu
Ala Moana Beach Homeless Lunch Outreach!Viewoahu
Aloha Ambassadors at the Aloha Information StationViewhawaii
Aloha Animal Sanctuary Carpentry, Handyman, Skilled LaborKaneoheIs OngoingViewoahu
Aloha Animal Sanctuary Non-Profit ConsultantKaneoheIs OngoingViewoahu
Animal Care and EnrichmentViewmaui
Animal Care and EnrichmentViewmaui
Art of Trash Exhibition & Trashion ShowIs OngoingViewremote
Baldwin Beach CleanupViewmaui
Be part of an immersive cultural experience maintaining a sacred archaeological siteViewmaui
Beach Buddies Kamaʻāina ProgramViewmaui
Beach Clean UpIs OngoingViewoahu
Become a NAMI Hawaii Volunteer:, , , , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai niihau oahu remote
Become a Warehouse VolunteerViewoahu
become-a-volunteer, Viewmaui oahu
Bilingual Volunteers – ALL ISLANDS! Sponsor a Kupuna: Deliver Their Essentials, , , , , Is OngoingViewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai oahu
Blaisdell Park Bike Way and Pu’uloa Springs CleanupIs OngoingViewoahu
Blood DonationsHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Blue ʻĀina Reef CleanupViewmaui
Bookstore Volunteer OpportunitiesHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Bulk Mail Volunteers, on-callViewkauai
Car Wash For A CauseViewmaui
Care For Native Plants At Kaha GardenViewoahu
Caretakers For Our Bigger Boo Boo BabiesViewmaui
Caretakers For Our BirdsViewmaui
Cattery Caretakers and Cuddlers Volunteer ProgramViewmaui
Clean Beaches Start at Home – Pledge & DonateIs OngoingViewremote
CLean the tea gardenViewhawaii
Coastal Marine Debris Monitoring ProgramIs OngoingViewmaui
Community Food DropViewoahu
Community Free Festival VolunteerIs OngoingViewhawaii
Community Living CenterViewoahu
Community Relations and Fund Development Committee for Partners in Development FoundationIs OngoingViewoahu
Compassionate Contact Corps (CCC)Viewremote
Construction and Maintenance VolunteersViewmaui
Copy WriterIs OngoingViewremote
Cover our Keiki!Is OngoingViewhawaii
Creative Manager, Viewoahu remote
Daily Bread SortingHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
DAV Volunteer Driver ProgramViewoahu
Delivery DriverViewoahu
Delivery Volunteer DriversKapaaIs OngoingViewkauai
Delivery VolunteersMaunaloa, , , Is OngoingViewhawaii kauai maui oahu
Delivery Volunteers (Archived)KoloaIs OngoingViewkauai
Devil Weed Volunteer Surveys at Pūpūkea-Paumalū State Park ReserveViewoahu
Diamond Head State Monument: Peace Garden WorkdayViewoahu
Digital Fraud FightersViewremote
Digital Media Volunteer, Viewoahu remote
Digitizing music for Hawaiian music archiveViewkauai
Disaster Action Team (DAT) Member, , , , , Is OngoingViewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai oahu
Disaster Services Onboarding Team Member- OahuIs OngoingViewoahu
Disaster Shelter VolunteerIs OngoingViewoahu
Disrupt Aging Classroom FacilitatorViewremote
Disrupt Aging Classroom Tech ProducerViewremote
Donate BloodHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Donate Recyclable Cans and BottlesIs OngoingViewoahu
Donate to Hawaiʻi FoodbankHonoluluIs OngoingViewremote
Donate your time and Helping HandsViewhawaii
Driver Safety Instructor, Chinese Language, , Viewhawaii kauai oahu
Driver Safety Instructor, English Language, Viewhawaii oahu
Driver Safety Instructor, Spanish Language, Viewhawaii oahu
Duty Officer – Hotline VolunteerIs OngoingViewoahu
Earth Month aWALEnessViewremote
Eco-Story TimeIs OngoingViewremote
Educate and train individuals on how and when to intervene during a suspected overdose.Viewoahu
Education Program VolunteersViewkauai
Educational ExperienceViewoahu
Egg Washing VolunteerViewkauai
Emergency Evacuation Shelter (Worker), , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai oahu
Emergency Evacuation ShelteringIs OngoingViewoahu
Ethel Gathering OrganizerViewremote
Events ResearchIs OngoingViewremote
Executive organizational supportViewoahu
Exotic animal caretakerViewhawaii
Farm Animal Rescue / Regenerative Agricultural KokuaViewkauai
food hub volunteerViewkauai
Foodbank DistributionViewoahu
Forest Restoration VolunteerViewkauai
Foster CareViewoahu
Friends of the Library of HawaiʻiIs OngoingViewoahu
Fundraising for Love the SEAIs OngoingViewremote
Gallery Sitters and customer assistance for Art ExhibitionsViewoahu
Garden DocentViewkauai
General Office AssistanceViewoahu
Genki Ball Making at Hilo High SchoolViewhawaii
Get Involved, , , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai niihau oahu
Get involved, Viewoahu remote
Grant Reporter VolunteerIs OngoingViewremote
Grant WritingIs OngoingViewremote
Habitat Restoration and Stewardship of wetland and endemic forest speciesViewoahu
Hanalei Surfboard Swap Meet – Booth VolunteerViewkauai
Hanapepe LandscaperHanapepeIs OngoingViewkauai
Hanapepe Office AdministratorHanapepeIs OngoingViewkauai
Hanapepe Thrift Store VolunteersHanapepeIs OngoingViewkauai
Harvest VolunteerViewhawaii
Hawaiʻi Island Volunteer Opportunities w/ Hawai‘i Wildlife FundViewhawaii
Hawaii Island Humane SocietyViewhawaii
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Program, Viewkauai maui
Haycraft Beach Restoration Planting DayViewmaui
Health & Human Services, Housing, Economic Opportunity, Native Hawaiian ServicesIs OngoingViewoahu
Healthy food pantry volunteerViewkauai
Help Clean WaihonuViewhawaii
Help Students Learn History!Viewmaui
Help Support Maui’s RecoveryViewmaui
Help to Feed KauaiViewkauai
Help with Tropical Gardens and Friendly AnimalsViewmaui
Herbarium and Seed Bank helpers neededViewoahu
Herbarium VolunteerViewkauai
Hero Care Network Contingency Team MemberIs OngoingViewoahu
Homeless Breakfast Outreach VolunteersViewoahu
Honuʻea Nest Watch on Maui!Viewmaui
Horticulture Assistant – South ShoreViewkauai
Horticulture Volunteer – North ShoreViewkauai
Hospital and Maintenance VolunteersViewhawaii
Hospitality CartViewoahu
Host a MealHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
House ServicesHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
House Services VolunteerViewoahu
Human Rights Holistic CalendarIs OngoingViewremote
Hurricane Shelter WorkerIs OngoingViewoahu
Hurricane Shelter Worker (Manager)Is OngoingViewoahu
ʻOhana NightsViewoahu
Implement Sales Force applicationViewoahu
Inspire Change & Mentor Our Tomorrow! HonoluluViewoahu
Inspire Change & Mentor Our Tomorrow! KauaiViewkauai
IT Volunteer or InternViewoahu
Join the Devil Weed Crew!Viewoahu
Join the Resource Force!Is OngoingViewremote
Join Us for Community Workdays – Every Second Saturday of the Month!Viewoahu
Journey Bags for kids in foster care, Viewmaui remote
Ka’ehu Beach Cleanup (Maui)Viewmaui
Ka’ehu CleanupWailukuIs OngoingViewmaui
Kāhili Beach PreserveViewkauai
Kahului Corps Homeless Programs CookKahuluiIs OngoingViewmaui
Kahului Volunteer MaintenanceKahuluiIs OngoingViewmaui
Kaloko Inlet RestorationViewoahu
Kaneohe Corps Volunteer Janitorial WorkKaneoheIs OngoingViewoahu
Kapapapuhi Community WorkdayViewoahu
Kapuna produce delivery driverViewkauai
Kauai Electric Vehicle Association VolunteerIs OngoingViewkauai
Kaukau 4 keikiViewkauai
Kihei Thrift Store MerchandiserKiheiIs OngoingViewmaui
Kōkua Harvest (Volunteer returnees)Is OngoingViewhawaii
Kōkua Learning Farm Community WorkdayHaleiwaIs OngoingViewoahu
Kokua Saturday at Malama Hamakua MauiViewmaui
Kona Thrift Store VolunteersKailua KonaIs OngoingViewhawaii
Kua Bay Cleanup DayViewhawaii
Kupuna Sponsorship Available – Big IslandBig IslandIs OngoingViewhawaii
Kupuna Sponsorship Available – MauiMauiIs OngoingViewmaui
Kupuna Valentine’s PartyViewoahu
KupunaWiki Radio Show Admin Volunteer, Viewoahu remote
Lahaina Landscape ArchitectLahainaIs OngoingViewmaui
Lahainaluna High School – Wildfire ReliefViewmaui
Lahui Foundation volunteerViewoahu
Leahi State Monument: Care for the CraterViewoahu
Leahi State Monument: Millennium Peace Garden WorkdayViewoahu
Leahi Summit Clean-UpViewoahu
Letters2OurKupunaAieaIs OngoingViewremote
Limahuli Garden Docent – Public ToursViewkauai
Māʻalaea Harbor CleanupViewmaui
Māla Hoʻoulu ʻikeViewhawaii
Mālama ‘Āina – VolunteerViewhawaii
Mālama Hawaiʻi Program – Receive a $20 Gift CardViewoahu
Mālama Māla – Waimea Valley Volunteer Day – Feb. 16Viewoahu
Malama Maui WeekendViewmaui
Mālama the native forest at Hāmākua MarshViewoahu
Marine Creature Art InitiativeViewmaui
Maui Food BankViewmaui
maui great whale countViewmaui
Maui Nui Marine Resource CouncilViewmaui
Maui Volunteer Opportunities w/ Hawai’i Wildlife FundViewmaui
Maunawila Heiau ComplexViewoahu
May Garden Day and Lei makingViewoahu
Memory Mentor Program, , , Viewhawaii kauai maui oahu
Mentor – Surf Based Mentor ProgramViewoahu
Mentor for Youth in Foster CareIs OngoingViewmaui
Monthly Community DayViewoahu
Monthly Community Workdays (Mālama ʻĀina)Viewmaui
Monthly Community Workdays (Mālama Kai)Viewmaui
Museum Collections Care VolunteerViewmaui
MyHealtheVet ChampionViewoahu
National Park Service VolunteerHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Net Patrol – Coastal CleanupViewkauai
NOAA Inouye Regional Center School Group Volunteer & Community OutreachViewoahu
Nursery AssistantViewkauai
Nursery HandypersonsViewkauai
Ocean AmbassadorViewmaui
Ocean Clinic VolunteerViewoahu
Office VolunteerViewoahu
Ola Nā Kini Laulima SaturdaysViewoahu
Olowalu Landing February Clean-UpViewmaui
Our Lady of Kea’auViewoahu
Outplanting Native Hawaiian Dryland Forest Ecosystem PlantsViewmaui
Packing Meal KitsViewkauai
Parking AttendantViewkauai
Patient or Front Office VolunteersKamuelaIs OngoingViewhawaii
PAWS – Pono Animal Way SanctuaryIs OngoingViewhawaii
Pearl Harbor Heritage Trail Clean UpIs OngoingViewoahu
Phone-A-FriendIs OngoingViewremote
Plant A Tree, Viewoahu remote
Plant DriveViewkauai
Pohukaina Food PantryViewoahu
Puʻuiki Point Coastal Restoration & Native Plant PropagationViewoahu
Recovery Compliance Casework ReviewerIs OngoingViewoahu
Red Coat AmbassadorViewoahu
Red Cross Club CoordinatorIs OngoingViewoahu
Regenerative Organic Breadfruit Agroforest (ROBA) Assistant – South ShoreViewkauai
Regional Training InstructorIs OngoingViewoahu
Remote Admin VolunteerIs OngoingViewremote
Remote Social Media Volunteer Internship, , , , , Viewhawaii kauai maui molokai oahu remote
Samaritan Ambassador, Viewoahu remote
Seed of Love: Molokai family farm volunteer opportunityIs OngoingViewmolokai
Seeking Volunteers, Viewmaui oahu
Service to the Armed Forces: Missing Maps Volunteer or CoordinatorIs OngoingViewremote
Service to the Armed Forces: Virtual Workshop FacilitatorIs OngoingViewremote
Sew Beanbags for Education!, Viewmaui remote
Shelter Health Services or Mental Health Services (Manager)Is OngoingViewoahu
Shelter Health Services or Mental Health Services (worker)Is OngoingViewoahu
Snorkel & Ocean Debris Cleanup TourViewhawaii
Social Media BroadcastingIs OngoingViewremote
Social Media Support, Viewmaui molokai
Special EventsHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Special Events VolunteersViewoahu
Special Events Volunteers, on-callViewkauai
Sponsor A KūpunaHonolulu, , , Is OngoingViewhawaii kauai maui oahu
Sponsor a Kupuna – Big IslandHiloIs OngoingViewhawaii
Sponsor a Kupuna – MauiKahuluiIs OngoingViewmaui
Spread Christmas Cheer with Kupuna!Viewoahu
St. Francis Adult Day CareViewoahu
State Parks Long-term Volunteer OpportunitiesIs OngoingViewoahu
States Advocacy Volunteer, , , , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai niihau oahu remote
Storm Drain markersViewoahu
Student service project volunteer opportunityViewoahu
Support Mālama HawaiʻiViewmaui
Swift Action Team MemberViewremote
Tax-Aide Volunteer Prospect, , , , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai niihau oahu remote
Technology Non-Profit refurbishing computers, etc. and providing reliable devices to those in need.Viewoahu
Theater Interns (Ages 15 – 20)Viewkauai
Theater VolunteersViewkauai
Third Saturday Service Days at Lyon ArboretumHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Thrift Shop VolunteerViewoahu
thrift store volunteersKailua-KonaIs OngoingViewhawaii
To support our FoodBasket Program during days of operation and home deliveriesViewoahu
Tracks Beach Clean Up in NanakuliIs OngoingViewoahu
Transportation Friends for KupunaHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Tree planting and restoration area maintenanceViewkauai
Ua volunteer workdayViewkauai
Ulupō Heiau State MonumentViewoahu
Veteran Friendly Voice – Video Call VolunteerViewremote
Virtual CaseworkersIs OngoingViewremote
Virtual presentations for students K-12, Is OngoingViewoahu remote
Visitor Center DocentViewkauai
Volunteer at Aloha Animal Sanctuary (VARIETY of opportunities available), Viewoahu remote
Volunteer at Breast Cancer HawaiiViewoahu
Volunteer at Kualoa RanchViewoahu
Volunteer at Lunalilo HomeViewoahu
Volunteer at Lyon ArboretumIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer at Magical Creatures! 🐷🐑🐮🐐🐾🐓, Viewhawaii remote
Volunteer At North Shore StablesViewoahu
Volunteer at the forestViewhawaii
Volunteer Book SorterViewoahu
Volunteer Build Site PhotographerViewoahu
Volunteer Connection Team MembersIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer Docents, town and rural area cleanups, writing grant applicationsIs OngoingViewhawaii
Volunteer DriverViewoahu
Volunteer driver and/or chaperoneViewoahu
Volunteer Engagement ManagerViewhawaii
Volunteer for 3 hours on the beach where the Honu haul out on North ShoreViewoahu
Volunteer for a Hana Pūkoʻa​!Viewoahu
Volunteer for a Huki or Adopt-a-Plot!Viewoahu
Volunteer for Mālama Maui NuiIs OngoingViewmaui
Volunteer for the VA & Help Our VeteransViewoahu
volunteer in any capacity!Viewhawaii
Volunteer Intern Partner (VIP) ProgramIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer InternshipsIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer Now!, Viewoahu remote
Volunteer Onboard for Whale and Dolphin Research, NaturalistViewoahu
Volunteer Opportunities – USFWS Keālia Pond National Wildlife RefugeIs OngoingViewmaui
Volunteer OpportunityIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer or DonateIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer Program VolunteerViewoahu
Volunteer Programmer at KKCRViewkauai
Volunteer ReceptionistIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer Services: Volunteer Connection LeadIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer to be a Rain Garden Steward!Viewoahu
Volunteer to distribute food at The PantryHonoluluIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer with Healing horsesViewkauai
Volunteer with Hearts For AnimalsViewoahu
Volunteer with Hoʻomalu Ke Kai.Viewkauai
Volunteer with KaʻehuViewmaui
Volunteer with Kauai Habitat for HumanityViewkauai
Volunteer with Kauai Humane SocietyViewkauai
Volunteer with Lanai Cat SanctuaryViewlanai
Volunteer with Maui Humane SocietyViewmaui
Volunteer with Molokai Land TrustViewmolokai
Volunteer With Surfrider MauiViewmaui
Volunteer with The ARTS at Marks GarageIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteer with The Sierra ClubViewmaui
Volunteer WorkdayViewoahu
Volunteer Workday at the GardenViewhawaii
Volunteering at the Museum, Viewoahu remote
Volunteers for Kupuna in HonoluluWahiawaIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteers for Kupuna in Pahoa, Mountain View, and Ocean ViewPahoaIs OngoingViewhawaii
Volunteers for our 36th Anniversary CelebrationViewoahu
Volunteers Needed at the Queen Emma Summer PalaceViewoahu
Volunteers Needed for Hulihe‘e PalaceViewhawaii
Volunteers Needed to Pack and/or Deliver Meals for Our KupunaIs OngoingViewoahu
Volunteers Needed! Obama Hawaiian African MuseumViewoahu
Volunteers Welcome at the Battleship Missouri MemorialViewoahu
Waihe’e Coastal Dunes & Wetland RefugeViewmaui
Waihe’e/Kaehu Bay February Clean-UpViewmaui
Waikiki Aquarium Educator VolunteerViewoahu
Waikiki Aquarium Gift Shop VolunteerViewoahu
Waimanalo Beach Park Clean UpIs OngoingViewoahu
Waipa Community WorkdayIs OngoingViewkauai
Waipahu Intermediate MālaViewoahu
Waipahu Urban Agriculture Garden ProjectViewoahu
Want to volunteer?, , , , , Viewhawaii kauai lanai maui molokai oahu
Website Development/UpdatesIs OngoingViewremote
Weed & Pot ClubViewmaui
Weed Warrior Wednesday at KapapapuhiViewoahu
Weekly H.E.R. Crew DayViewhawaii
Weekly Lydgate Park Beach CleanupLihueIs OngoingViewkauai
Weekly Volunteer DaysViewmaui
West Kauai Rotary’s High School Track MeetViewkauai
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wetland Restoration in HiloViewhawaii
Wheels for Wildlife, , , Viewhawaii maui oahu remote
Wish of a Lifetime Postcard Program VolunteerViewremote
Wish of a Lifetime Wish Granting VolunteerViewremote
Zero Isolation Facilitator Candidate in TrainingViewremote

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